In the second installment of our Cocoa Market Series, we delve into the lives of the unsung heroes of the cocoa industry: the farmers and their families. Imagine investing everything into a crop, only to be at the mercy of volatile market prices. For up to 6 million cocoa farming families, this is their reality.
Governments, NGOs, and international bodies are taking notice. Ghana and Ivory Coast have introduced the “Living Income Differential” (LID) to ensure farmers earn enough for a decent standard of living, covering essentials like food, housing, education, and healthcare. Yet, this ambitious initiative raises questions and challenges. Can increasing cocoa prices alone truly alleviate poverty, or does the solution lie in innovative approaches like agroforestry, cocoa processing, and economic diversification?
Join us as we explore the complexities and potential solutions in the cocoa supply chain. Discover how policy changes, economic strategies, and sustainable practices can transform the lives of millions. Dive in to understand the real impact of cocoa on a global scale and what the future holds for these indispensable farmers.